At 11 weeks pregnant your baby is the size of a fig.

Baby Facts:
- At 11 weeks the baby is just over 1.6 inches in size
- Major organs are in place
- Ears are almost completely formed
This week I have had night sickness and it’s been way worse than morning sickness! I have minimal nausea in the morning (I still have to eat something every 2 hours or I’ll feel sick).
I also had quite a bit of cramping and pain. My OB said this is normal as the baby is growing and my uterus is stretching and everything is starting to move.
Pregnancy dreams: they are weird and vivid! This week I had a dream about a miscarriage, then I had another dream a few days later that I was getting an ultrasound and I got to hear the heartbeat and know my little one was okay. Having a dream about miscarriage was scary but luckily it was just a crazy pregnancy dream and my little one was just fine.
Click here to read about what’s to come during 12 weeks of pregnancy!
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