First Prenatal Visit When you find out you’re expecting usually the Dr. will have you come in anywhere from 6 […]
Welcome to Elevated Mommy Life
where . . .

Yoga & Meditation

Personal Development & Loving Yourself

Meet Motherhood

Hey there, my name is Bre!
I’ve been a personal development blogger for about 2 years now. But it’s always been my dream to be a mom, it’s been a long road, and I am so excited to be on this new journey of motherhood.
I’ve created this mommy life blog as a creative outlet for myself, as a way to stay connected to family and friends who are long distance, and of course as a way to inspire.
I believe in a Heavenly Father who loves each and every one of us, and I believe he has a plan for each and every one of us. His timing may not be our timing – but it’s always perfect timing.
First Trimester Series: Week by Week
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