At 9 weeks pregnant your baby is the size of a grape.

Baby facts:
- Your baby has graduated from embryo to a fetus!
- The spinal tail isn’t a tail anymore. Which means your little one looks even more human than last week.
- All four chambers of the heart are developed.
- The fingers are looking more like fingers every day.
- Your little one now has elbow and knee joints to flex and move.
Week 9 I’ve had more good days, I have felt more energy. I’ve only thrown up a few times, and the nausea isn’t too bad on some days. In fact, I’d say I almost feel normal. But then the next day can be horrible, and all I’ll want to do is stay in bed.
I also had my first Dr.’s appointment!
They did an ultrasound and we got to see our sweet little angel. It’s seriously the most precious blob I’ve ever seen in my life!

We also got to hear the heartbeat our little bean is strong and healthy! The heartbeat was 173 bpm!
We are guessing it’s a girl because of where the baby is sitting, according to the Ramzi theory, and the heart rate is so high. We’ve had fun trying different theories to guess the gender.
If you’re nervous about your first Dr.’s visit. Let me tell you how mine went, it might make you feel better:
After we had the ultrasound the Dr. was going to come in and do her part of the visit. So the nurse takes to one of the patient rooms, she asks the normal questions to get everything ready for the Dr. She finds out that I’m due for a pap smear so she tells me to undress from the waist down and the Dr. will be right in.
I have her repeat that last part. She told me to undress then the Dr. would be in. Okay. I do as she says and undress from the waist down. I’m sitting on the table waiting for the Dr. I feel kind of weird just sitting there in my blouse but hey they’re used to seeing people like this. Right?
Finally, the Dr. comes in. She’s a little taken back and says, “Oh my, you must feel very exposed.”
Hi. Yes, yes I am. I did exactly what the nurse said to do. I was very exposed sitting there wild and free.
She then helps me cover myself with a paper sheet that the nurse neglected to point out. That was my first time meeting that Dr. I’ve never had a more awkward icebreaker.
We also started taking bump photos this week:

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